Friday, August 20, 2010

One last note on Facebook and I'll shut up (and by the way, I have left Facebook, finally)!

So, I finally made the plunge. What made me do it finally, however, was not my word that I would finish my scrabble game with an old high school friend; unfortunately, I could not wait that long. I was annoyed by postings of people who were simply expressing their opinions of Eat Pray Love, but it seems that their opinions were not derived from any actual life experiences. Instead they were commenting on Eat Pray Love, the movie. They even were commenting on the book, according to Oprah's show. It was not even evident if all the commenting on this blog was based on reading the memoir. It seemed these people were simply thinking that the movie was about some woman wallowing in simple self-pity and went around the world and spent a lot of money in a year and maybe, this would be some good eye candy, at least. Hmmmm.....

So, except to say that if any of these commenters had the courage to admit to the world self pity, let go of lots of material possessions, with no guarantee of a place to stay or work, I really can't take the opinions seriously. Really, how could I? It is so easy to talk about an individual's self- pity and judge how some one lives their life and makes choices. I couldn't imagine having the courage to do what Elizabeth Gilbert did, but I think about it sometimes. I LOVED this book and I related so intimately to it. I know countless other women who related as well. I am pretty sure I read this with my book club, but I know I read it before then. I have to go back to Ms. Gilbert's website and see what's going on with her these days (aside from her book still in hardback, Committed). I think that the commenters on my friend's page may not have understood the self-esteem that plummets with the relationships Ms Gilbert had and the choices she made in the trappings of those same relationships. Maybe they do and think it's a mistake to let everyone know that you are in self-pity and seeking spiritual help. Maybe, just maybe, that's why the post on Facebook listed it as one of the worst books or movies (I can't remember which one). I am planning on seeing this movie again with another wonderful woman this coming Sunday. I saw it the first time with my best friend; we both could relate from the VERY FIRST SCENE. Yes, the.very.first.scene. Tears and tears...and more tears and smiles. Everyone has issues, even those who judge others admitting defeat and self-pity.

So, now, I guess that you readers are really clear on why I left Facebook. I know, some haters are just going to say "well, you just don't like any opinions that are not yours" or "be more tolerant" or "won't you miss the daily posts and pictures of people growing up". Seriously, I have been tolerant for more than a year; there comes a time when you DO GET TO DECIDE how you spend your time. You don't have to be forced to read Facebook posts or choose which of your "friends" you are going to avoid and "hide" from your view. I never wanted to hide my high school friend's posts, but I am not going to listen to people who constantly trash talk people (the President of the United States or Elizabeth Gilbert, for that matter). It's a free country. They have freedom of the press and I have the freedom to leave Facebook.

Oh, and by the way, according to Vickie, if I leave Facebook book, I have to blog more. Point taken. You will definitely see more of me!

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