Saturday, August 27, 2011

Enough is enough

Every thing must come to end. Eventually. I.can' I hope everyone knows "this" only refers to some specific issues and not anything overly global or dramatic!!

In spite of this, I am still loving yoga (but not doing it as much as I would like to ideally) and cardio training. I bought some excercise/lifestyle/diet books, but need to actually read/open more than one of them. The cool thing is that this activity does a few things:
1. makes cigarette smoking more disgusting and repulsive to me (that's just me...not judging...just saying).
2. keeps me distracted and busy and my head is not obsessed with current events.
3.oh, my....could I possibly look better and lose a little weight in the process?!! Who knew!
4. provides me a bit of future insurance on my general health status

It's enough to make me feel a little bit better about everything else.
I am looking forward to checking out an Ashram next weekend in Boulder with a friend of mine. It's a lot closer than India and I think the bugs are smaller. Yoga, meditation and vegetarian lunch (okay, what veggies???...arghh...)...

I will check in soon!
Have a great week!

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